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Increasing APIs in Elected Office

About Us

The Asian Pacific Islander Leadership PAC (API Leadership PAC), is a general purpose PAC created to support API candidates at the state and local level.  One of the goals of the API Leadership PAC is to increase the number and influence of APIs in the California State Legislature.  The API Leadership PAC is not affiliated with any API elected official or candidate for elected office.

The API Leadership PAC seeks to support candidates that are officially endorsed by the API Legislative Caucus. 


The API Leadership PAC has been tremendously successful in electing Asian American and Pacific Islanders candidates. In 2020, the API Leadership PAC was instrumental in supporting Dave Min for Senate; and in 2022 was instrumental in supporting Assemblymembers Stephanie Nguyen and Dr. Jasmeet Bains. This year we are focusing on supporting Jessica Caloza in AD 52 and Dr. Darshana Patel in AD 76.


Increasing APIs in Elected Office


Supporting API Candidates for State Office


Enhancing the Clout of APIs in the State Legislature

Ad paid for by Asian Pacific Islander Leadership PAC.

Not authorized by a candidate or a committee controlled by a candidate.


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광고비 지원: Asian Pacific Islander Leadership PAC
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